Women’s Health: Endometriosis

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What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, migrates to the abdominal cavity, implants itself, and responds to hormonal signals by growing and bleeding. In its early stages, it often manifests as severe menstrual cramps and pain during intercourse. Over time, it can lead to the formation of scar tissue in the abdomen and pelvis.

What Causes Endometriosis?

This condition can give rise to chronic pelvic pain, discomfort during sexual activity, and infertility. Seeking treatment upon experiencing any signs or symptoms of endometriosis is crucial. While the exact cause of the tissue implants outside the uterus is not fully understood, early intervention may help prevent the progression of the disease and associated complications. Medications can be prescribed to reduce the activity of the tissue and potentially minimize its impact.

Treatment for Endometriosis

Previously, a surgical procedure was necessary to visually confirm the presence of endometrial implants in the pelvis for a diagnosis. However, clinical assessment based on the patient’s medical history now allows for an initial medical approach to treatment. Those with severe cases often require surgical intervention at some point and may ultimately undergo removal of the uterus and ovaries.

When to See a Doctor for Endometriosis

If you are exhibiting signs or symptoms of endometriosis, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our Xpress Wellness Women’s Health providers today. This will allow for a thorough discussion of your symptoms and an exploration of suitable treatment options. Call for an appointment today.

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