As we head into flu season, many people wonder how long they’ll be contagious if they contract the virus. Holiday planning, traveling, or school and work functions are all anticipated events of the season – so having a general idea of how long you’ll be down with the flu can help set expectations and adjust plans as needed. So how long is the flu contagious? We’ll talk about the typical flu timeline, and how Xpress Wellness Urgent Care can help you feel better as soon as possible.
When is the Flu Most Contagious?
When you have the flu, you’re typically most contagious a day before symptoms appear and for another 5-7 days afterward. This window can vary depending on your age, overall health, and severity of infection. Children and those with a weakened immune system may shed the virus even longer. Getting an annual flu shot helps reduce the severity of infection and minimize the spread of the flu to others.
Common Symptoms of the Flu
The flu virus typically comes on suddenly, with symptoms appearing in rapid succession. Unlike the common cold, which can slowly build over several days, symptoms of the flu hit most people within a few hours. Some common symptoms of the flu include:
- Sudden fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Muscle aches and fatigue
- Chills and sweats
- Headache and congestion
Identifying the flu early can help you prevent spreading it to others. The best way to know if you’re dealing with the flu is to have a flu test, which can be done quickly and conveniently at Xpress Wellness Urgent Care.
Flu Testing and Treatment with Xpress Wellness Urgent Care
By finding an Xpress Wellness Urgent Care location near you, you’ll be on a quicker road to recovery. Knowing if you have the flu also makes a difference in managing symptoms and limiting the spread to others. We offer rapid flu testing, giving you fast results and a tailored treatment plan. Our providers will discuss your overall health and other contributing factors to help determine how long you may be contagious. They’ll also discuss any appropriate prescriptions or treatment options that may help to shorten the length of symptoms from the flu. So at the first sign of the flu, don’t delay – head to Xpress Wellness Urgent Care and start feeling better, faster.