
Winter 2026

Counseling for Seniors: Am I Too Old for Therapy? 

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Counseling Seniors Elderly

Therapy is a versatile tool to help patients feel their best – no matter where they are in their walk of life. Older adults can benefit from counseling, and it’s never too late to begin a journey of mental wellbeing. When considering counseling for seniors, some patients may wonder: am I too old for therapy? Find out how behavioral health services from Xpress Wellness can help aging adults feel their best through convenient and confidential counseling sessions. 

Changing the Stigma of Therapy 

In the past, therapy has been attached to a stigma. The idea of someone needing help with their mind is often associated with weakness, or the idea that they’re somehow “broken.” Thankfully, efforts in recent years have worked tirelessly to change these wrong assumptions, creating a culture that sees the value of therapy. 

Older generations are more hesitant to reach out or admit that they could benefit from counseling due to pride or the lack of understanding of what therapy can do for them at this stage in their lives. Even those who don’t have a diagnosed mental or behavioral disorder can benefit from counseling. Setting aside and moving past negative assumptions are the first steps for seniors to begin their therapy journey, and in realizing the value in counseling. 

Accepting Changes in Health 

As we age, our bodies take on foreign appearances, sensations, and conditions. Chronic pain or illnesses, unexpected medical diagnoses, and changes in body composition can all create negative emotions and thought patterns. While these changes are a natural part of aging, they can be difficult to accept. Therapy can help you develop understanding, coping strategies, and peace in this new season of life. 

Guidance Through Grief and Loss 

We aren’t the only ones aging. Watching our older loved ones enter their twilight years ahead of us is difficult to witness. Whether you’re a caretaker for an elderly parent or other family member, or witnessing others close to you lose their mobility, memory, and eventually life – experiencing grief and loss are a part of getting older. Therapy is a safe, confidential space to share these emotions in a constructive way to effectively move through the important grieving process. 

Combating Cognitive Decline 

For some of us, another part of aging is cognitive decline. Our recall, critical thinking, and problem solving skills can diminish overtime, but therapy aims to help protect cognitive function. By working through mental exercises, our minds can retain more elasticity and combat slow cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s patients can also benefit from personal therapy treatment plans aimed to help cope with the effects of this disease, and equip loved ones with tools and knowledge to support those affected by it. 

Comfort Through Loneliness 

Social circles can get smaller, friends and family may move away, and busy schedules or growing families can make visits from loved ones more infrequent. Loneliness is a common occurrence in our later years, and it can take its toll on our mental wellbeing. Counseling not only provides meaningful conversation on a regular basis, but also helps develop healthy habits and thought patterns to utilize when we experience loneliness. 

Senior Therapy with Xpress Wellness 

Our behavioral services at Xpress Wellness help seniors navigate aging with grace and confidence. Discover how counseling can reform your later years and set the tone for a peaceful and purposeful path through the passing of time. Our counseling sessions can be done from the comfort of your home through virtual visits, bringing accessible therapy to those with diminished physical mobility or transportation concerns. Request a visit today to begin your journey to overall wellness.

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