
Collinsville, OK

Apertura Verano 2025

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Atención de Urgencia

Get immediate high-quality care at Xpress Urgent Care. Discover our range of urgent healthcare services including diagnosis, treatment, and more.

¿Durante cuánto tiempo es contagiosa la gripe?

¿Durante cuánto tiempo es contagiosa la gripe? 

As we head into flu season, many people wonder how long they’ll be contagious if they contract the virus. Holiday planning, traveling, or school and work functions are all anticipated events of the season – so having a general idea of how long you’ll be down with the flu can help set expectations and adjust […]

¿Durante cuánto tiempo es contagiosa la gripe?  Leer más »

Top Tips for Preventing and Treating Sunburns

Summer brings with it the promise of long days, outdoor activities, and plenty of sunshine. While soaking up the sun can be relaxing and beneficial for our vitamin D levels, too much exposure can lead to sunburn – a painful condition that can cause long-term skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. To

Top Tips for Preventing and Treating Sunburns Leer más »

Does Urgent Care Do STD Testing?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are extremely common, with over half of the population in the U.S. having had at least one over the course of their lifetime. It can be inconvenient, or even embarrassing to take off from work or school for this particular type of personal problem, leading many people to wonder: does urgent

Does Urgent Care Do STD Testing? Leer más »

Cuándo buscar ayuda: Saber cuándo un golpe de calor requiere atención médica inmediata

Summertime brings people of all ages outside for warm weather activities. But as outdoor activities increase, so does the risk of heat injury. A sustained elevated body temperature can lead to heatstroke, which can be dangerous if not prevented or treated promptly. Learning when to seek help if you or someone else becomes too warm

Cuándo buscar ayuda: Saber cuándo un golpe de calor requiere atención médica inmediata Leer más »

Skin Cancer Awareness: Understanding the Signs, Prevention, and Early Detection

Skin cancer is one the most common types of cancers all over the world, affecting millions of people each year. While it can be a devastating diagnosis, skin cancer is usually very treatable when it’s detected in its early stages.  Skin cancer awareness is one of the best ways you can protect yourself and your

Skin Cancer Awareness: Understanding the Signs, Prevention, and Early Detection Leer más »

Poison Ivy Oak Sumac

Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac – What’s the Difference?

When enjoying the great outdoors, coming into contact with certain plants can turn an idyllic summer day into an itchy nightmare. The main plants that have gained notoriety for their itch-inducing rashes are: poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac – but what’s the difference between them? It’s important to learn how to identify each

Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac – What’s the Difference? Leer más »

The Bug Battle: Tips for Managing Insect Bites and Stings in the Summer

Summer is an anxiously awaited time of the year, mostly for the numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. But as the weather warms up, insects abound – ready to bring misery to picnics, pool parties, or other outdoor pastimes. From mosquitoes and ants, to bees and wasps, learn how to win the bug battle with these

The Bug Battle: Tips for Managing Insect Bites and Stings in the Summer Leer más »

Depart of transportation Exam

What to Bring to a DOT Physical Exam 

The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires health exams for individuals who drive commercial motor vehicles. These exams consist of physical and mental health evaluations to ensure they are fit to drive and operate their vehicles. Learn what to bring to a DOT exam, how to prepare, and what to expect during your visit.  Who Needs

What to Bring to a DOT Physical Exam  Leer más »