
Collinsville, OK

Apertura Verano 2025

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Health Tips and Education

Stay healthy & informed with our health tips. Learn how to manage illnesses, practice preventive measures, & recognize the need for professional care.

Does Urgent Care Do STD Testing?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are extremely common, with over half of the population in the U.S. having had at least one over the course of their lifetime. It can be inconvenient, or even embarrassing to take off from work or school for this particular type of personal problem, leading many people to wonder: does urgent […]

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Cuándo buscar ayuda: Saber cuándo un golpe de calor requiere atención médica inmediata

Summertime brings people of all ages outside for warm weather activities. But as outdoor activities increase, so does the risk of heat injury. A sustained elevated body temperature can lead to heatstroke, which can be dangerous if not prevented or treated promptly. Learning when to seek help if you or someone else becomes too warm

Cuándo buscar ayuda: Saber cuándo un golpe de calor requiere atención médica inmediata Leer más »

Skin Cancer Awareness: Understanding the Signs, Prevention, and Early Detection

Skin cancer is one the most common types of cancers all over the world, affecting millions of people each year. While it can be a devastating diagnosis, skin cancer is usually very treatable when it’s detected in its early stages.  Skin cancer awareness is one of the best ways you can protect yourself and your

Skin Cancer Awareness: Understanding the Signs, Prevention, and Early Detection Leer más »

Poison Ivy Oak Sumac

Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac – What’s the Difference?

When enjoying the great outdoors, coming into contact with certain plants can turn an idyllic summer day into an itchy nightmare. The main plants that have gained notoriety for their itch-inducing rashes are: poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac – but what’s the difference between them? It’s important to learn how to identify each

Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac – What’s the Difference? Leer más »

The Bug Battle: Tips for Managing Insect Bites and Stings in the Summer

Summer is an anxiously awaited time of the year, mostly for the numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. But as the weather warms up, insects abound – ready to bring misery to picnics, pool parties, or other outdoor pastimes. From mosquitoes and ants, to bees and wasps, learn how to win the bug battle with these

The Bug Battle: Tips for Managing Insect Bites and Stings in the Summer Leer más »

¿Ayudaría la medicación? 

Mental and behavioral health disorders can be debilitating, driving millions of individuals to seek advice from their doctors. Providers and patients alike need to weigh the potential risks along with the benefits that medication can provide those who suffer from these conditions – which begs the question: would medication help? Xpress Wellness Behavioral Health understands

¿Ayudaría la medicación?  Leer más »

man and woman discussing their options

What Are My Options? 

Those struggling with mental or behavioral disorders often wonder: what are my options for treatment? Due to the increased awareness of mental health, and through society’s reduced stigma surrounding these conditions, there are several options for those with mental or behavioral health disorders. From medications and counseling, to lifestyle changes and mindfulness, individuals can approach

What Are My Options?  Leer más »

Is it Anxiety? 

Anxiety is a feeling that most people are familiar with to a certain extent. This normal emotion in humans is part of our fight-or-flight instinct. Its purpose is to keep us safe from harm or bring our awareness to something that requires our attention.   When this feeling doesn’t subside within a few moments, or

Is it Anxiety?  Leer más »

5 Surprising Benefits of Virtual Primary Care 

Virtual primary care has opened new doors for many patients. You can access quality preventative, routine, and other medical services from home using your phone, tablet, or computer. Meeting with your doctor this way is convenient to be sure – but there are other advantages to this method of meeting with your provider. Discover these

5 Surprising Benefits of Virtual Primary Care  Leer más »