
Collinsville, OK

Apertura Verano 2025

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Get informed about the flu virus and its impact on your health. Find tips on prevention, management, and protecting yourself and your loved ones.

¿Durante cuánto tiempo es contagiosa la gripe?

¿Durante cuánto tiempo es contagiosa la gripe? 

As we head into flu season, many people wonder how long they’ll be contagious if they contract the virus. Holiday planning, traveling, or school and work functions are all anticipated events of the season – so having a general idea of how long you’ll be down with the flu can help set expectations and adjust

¿Durante cuánto tiempo es contagiosa la gripe?  Leer más »

Stay Healthy During the Holidays: Xpress Wellness Urgent Care’s Guide to Holiday Health

The holidays are full of festive activities: visiting friends and family, seasonal travel, and decadent meals. Unfortunately, these events can also be full of germs (and stress) that can cause illnesses ranging from mild to severe. To help you and your family stay as healthy as possible during the holidays, Xpress Wellness Urgent Care has

Stay Healthy During the Holidays: Xpress Wellness Urgent Care’s Guide to Holiday Health Leer más »

Physical Exam

Preparing for Flu Season: How Xpress Wellness Urgent Care Can Help

Flu season is upon us, with the risk of contracting the dreaded illness looming over this festive time of year. Thankfully, there are steps that you can take to help protect yourself and your family from the influenza virus and the risk of serious illness. Preparing for flu season can make a significant impact on

Preparing for Flu Season: How Xpress Wellness Urgent Care Can Help Leer más »