Xpress Wellness Recursos sanitarios

¿Debo llevar a mi hijo a urgencias por un esguince?
Es inevitable que los niños se tuerzan un tobillo o den una voltereta durante su infancia, pero decidir si deben acudir a urgencias después de estos acontecimientos puede resultar complicado. Los esguinces son especialmente comunes durante la práctica de deportes y en los niños "ocupados", pero muchos padres se preguntan cuándo deben llevar a sus hijos a la atención urgente para un esguince. Xpress Wellness Urgent Care está aquí para ofrecer algunas pautas para ayudarle a determinar si una atención urgente

Salud de la mujer: Endometriosis
¿Qué es la endometriosis? La endometriosis es una enfermedad en la que el tejido endometrial, que normalmente recubre el útero, migra a la cavidad abdominal, se implanta y responde a las señales hormonales creciendo y sangrando. En sus primeras fases, suele manifestarse con fuertes dolores menstruales y dolor durante el coito. Con el tiempo, puede provocar la formación de tejido cicatricial en el abdomen y la pelvis. ¿Cuáles son las causas de la endometriosis? Esta enfermedad puede provocar dolor pélvico crónico,

Salud de la mujer: Prolapso genital
What is Genital Prolapse Genital prolapse refers to the protrusion of pelvic organs into the vagina. The position of pelvic organs, such as the uterus, vagina, bladder, and rectum, is supported by muscles and fibrous connective tissue. Various factors, including chronic constipation, frequent or prolonged squatting, heavy lifting, and the impact of pregnancy and childbirth, can weaken the strength of this supportive tissue. What Causes Genital Prolapse Genetic factors also play a role in determining

What’s the Difference Between Emergency and Urgent Care?
We’ve all been there — it’s a Friday night, and you or a loved one spikes a fever heading into the weekend. With your doctor’s office closed, you start to wonder where to seek care if needed outside of normal business hours. The two options are the emergency room, or urgent care. But what’s the difference between emergency and urgent care? While they have some overlap, there are distinct differences between the two. We’ll share

Navigating Psychiatric Medication Management in Nursing Homes: Keeping Minds Comfortable and Stable
As we age, our minds face new challenges. Whether it’s dealing with the effects of dementia, depression, or anxiety, the elderly population is particularly vulnerable to mental health issues. And just as physical health requires careful management, so does mental health—especially in nursing homes. Psychiatric medication management plays a pivotal role in helping older adults maintain mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall well-being. But, like all good things, it comes with a few wrinkles to

What is an STD Test and How Often Should I Be Tested?
Sexual health is a part of life, but sometimes the testing and topics behind this aspect of our health is approached with reluctance or embarrassment. But if you’ve found yourself asking questions like what is an STD test? or, How often should I be treated?, you’re not alone. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are extremely common, and testing is a quick and painless way to address this aspect of our overall health. So, leave the worry